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Hiking to Lava Lake near Big Sky, MT

On this day, we hiked the gorgeous Lava Lake trail in the Gallatin Canyon in Montana: a 6-mile, single-track trail with lots of ups and downs and rocks, and more ups.

Lava Lake is a wonderful hike that climbs to a beautiful mountain lake in the Lee Metcalf Wilderness. The trail is located in the Gallatin Canyon between Bozeman and Big Sky and is one of the most popular trails in the area. The lake is almost exactly 3 miles from the trailhead but you have to gain 1,600 feet elevation in those three miles, making it a tough hike for those who are unprepared.

We are not gonna lie, this was hard work for us sea-level girls (unless you are Ashley, who ran halfway up, all the way down and halfway up again....). It was worth the effort!

And then, some of these crazy girls jumped into the very chilly, snow runoff water - especially our Adri, who could not stop swimming. After this 6-hour excursion - and a day free of cell service!! - we had cocktails at the house, and then an amazing dinner at the Rainbow Ranch Lodge.

It was another perfect Montana day.

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These are the adventures and travels of "Girls Gone Glamping" - girls' trips meant to be slightly off-the-grid, but with glamorous amenities along the way. We take all of our own photos, we have a long list of "rules and regulations for travel" and we have the times of our lives. This ain't campin'!


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